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Grow Your Network with the Matrix MLM Plan

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What is Matrix MLM Plan ?

In Multi-Level marketing, almost every MLM plan structure is somewhat similar to the structure of matrix MLM plan. For example, binary plan is 2 x N matrix MLM plan, generation plan is N x N matrix MLM plan etc.

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How Matrix MLM plan works ?

The way matrix plan works is very simple and easy to understand. In Matrix plan there are fixed numbers of distributors allowed in each level based on the structure company choose to follow.
Let’s take an example of 3 x 6 matrix plan, which is shown in below table.

In this plan distributors are allowed to have only 3 distributors in their front line (level 1), from the 2nd level onwards distributors are allowed to have 9, 27, and 81 distributors on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th levels respectively and so on, making a total of 1,092 distributors in the network. This plan has limited width and unlimited depth, but distributors can earn commissions up to fixed  Levels decided by the company.

There are different examples of matrix plans running in the MLM industry based on a combination of width and depth. The popular ones are 2 x 12, 3 x 10, 4 x 7, and 5 x 10. Like a binary plan, this plan also has the advantage of spillover, which provides distributors with reasonably good earning possibilities.
Easily manage your MLM business with our advanced MLM Software Development Company, designed to handle the complexities of matrix plans effortlessly.

Level Number of Distributors Level Income
1 3 10%
2 9 7%
3 27 5%
4 81 3%
5 243 2%
6 729 1%
Total 1092 %

Types of incomes in Matrix MLM Plan

  • Direct Sponsor Income

    The Direct Sponsor income is also known as a referral bonus. It is the benefit gained by a distributor for referring new distributors in his/her network. For example, company has decided to give distributors 7% of the direct sales they have made as a direct sponsor income.

  • Binary Matching Income

    Binary matching income is also known as pair-matching income. Distributors will earn either some percentage of matching sales volume on both sides or a fixed amount on completion of a pair as binary matching income. For example, if distributor A has 400 PV on left side and 500 PV on right side, he/she will earn 10 % of 400 PV matching as binary matching income.

  • Sponsor Binary Income

    Distributors will earn some percentage of binary matching income earned by their direct referral as a sponsor binary income. For example, the company is giving its distributors 15% of their direct referral’s binary matching income as a sponsor binary income.

  • Rank based Royalty

    The company puts aside some percentage of their turnover and distributes them equally among qualified rank holders based on their ranks. For example, company is distributing 15% of their monthly turnover among silver rank holders. Now if a company has 15 silver rank achievers this month 15% will be distributed equally among those silver rank holders. Every qualifier will get 1% of turnover as a royalty income.

  • Rewards

    When distributor achieves milestones set by a company within a specific time period (fixed or variable), they will get additional incentives as rewards. For example, the company is giving an additional 3% sponsor binary income if distributors complete 70 pairs within 60 days of their joining.

MLM Plans

Advantages of Matrix MLM Plan

  1. Unlimited Depth : Unlike Uni-level plan, here distributors can earn commission for unlimited depth by balancing sales volume on both sides.

  2. Spill Over : Distributors will get help form their up-line for building a network.

  3. There is an opportunity for fast paced growth in terms of money and network.

  4. Distributors have only two legs which make it easy to pay attention to their team and manage their business.

  5. It is easily presentable plan as compared to Generation Plan.

Disadvantages of Matrix MLM Plan

  1. The biggest flaw of this plan is company has to distribute commissions whenever there is a pair matching regardless of company’s turnover.

  2. Due to capping, distributor cannot earn more than certain amount despite of having deeper network.

  3. In this plan, income calculation is very speculative and complex which create high possibility of making losses for company.

  4. This plan is not suitable for multiple products with different percentage of margins.

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