Best MLM Software Features

Our direct-selling software comes packed with 50+ features designed to simplify your network marketing business. Running a successful MLM business involves juggling numerous tasks, from managing your network to keeping track of sales and commissions. Our MLM software is here to simplify that process. Designed with the needs of MLM businesses in mind, Our MLM software features are designed to help you streamline operations and uplift your efficiency. Whether you’re just starting or looking to scale your business, our tools provide the support you need to grow and succeed.

Let’s explore how the features of MLM Software can make your life easier and your business more successful.

Easy To Operate

The SWA MLM Software user interface is very simple so it makes easy for anyone with basic internet knowledge. Altogether it’s a 100% user-friendly Software available in online market.

Fast, Secure, Reliable

Our MLM Software is the Fastest, Secure and a Reliable solution to make the system work smoothly. Users can process their payment transactions much secure using SWA MLM


SWA MLM Software can be customized to any type of MLM Compensation Plan like Binary, Matrix, Unilevel, Board, Party, Hybrid, Stair Step Breakaway and to any other custom compensation plan.

Modern Open Source Technologies

The software is developed using the modern web technologies like Php, MSSQL, Drupal, Ajax, jQuery, JSON and more. Latest capabilities of CodeIgniter and Smarty are also implemented in our software.

Help And Support

Provides an online help tool to study more about MLM SWA MLM Software along with 24*7 support. Click here to read more about Help and Support

Free Instant Demo

One and Only Company providing MLM Software Demo for one month with free of cost. You can start your software with a free demo right now. Click here For The Free Demo.

Web-Based Solution

SWA MLM Software is the complete online solution which can be managed from anywhere on the web.

Design Template

Our Network Marketing Software can apply different design templates to get the look and feel of your branded software. You can alter the software as per your requirements.

Automatic Payment Processing

We provide the secure mode of collecting and transferring of the payment by using Payment Gateway using E-Wallet and E-Pin.

E-Commerce Shopping Cart

Online Product Purchasing makes easy by using MLM SWA E-Commerce Software Solution.

Integrated With Inventory Software

By Using our basic Inventory software can Managing stock, purchase, and sale is quite simple and time-saving.

Multi Language

This powerful feature, which gives the user freedom to change language. Which will give you the comfort interaction of the software with a different language of your wish.

Multi Currency

Multi-currency is the feature allowing to do business the same product in various currencies. It also helps for getting more response from the customers.

Auto Responder

It is the best internet marketing method which helps to capture names and e-mail addresses. This includes sales messages, marketing messages and promotes your product.

Lead Capturing

This feature allows collecting leads having the information of the customers. This lets people know how easily they can get your product and it is essential for making sales.

Multiple Payout

This feature helps to make transaction simpler. It supports E-wallet payment, Bitcoin payment, Credit card and others.

Genealogy Tree

Genealogy tree is a representation of the members in the form of a tree. The tree is based on the user position and forms team in form of a tree.

Multi-User/ Role Management

This is the unique feature where you can set the authority level to a different level of management like Admin, Member, Operator, Franchise, Employee, and Customer.

Member Management

The back office system provides the business to manage profile, password, member details and activate & deactivate options.

Sales And Income Report

A complete report on the sales and income are available with the back-office. Business Administrator can monitor sales and all member transactions.

Promotional Tools

This feature provides promotional tools for making your business easy and successful. We provide text invite, banner invite and social invites.

Various Reporting Systems

SWA MLM MLM Software has a facility to export the reports in various forms like excel, PDF, CSV’s.

Privileged User

It allows access control system to give specific privileges to specific user type. Helps registration, set permission and module permission to users.

Strong Backup System

With our backup system, the user can restore software to any previous stage without any loss of data. Read More about our Backup System .

Website Replication

The new user will receive their own personalized website to market their business more effectively. We provide cool and professional Self-Replicating Websites .

SMS Integration

The registered member will get instant notifications of user Payout, New joining, Reward, Birthday Reminder etc. SMS Integration is quite vital for any MLM compensation plan.


It is a secure code generated by the software, its makes safe purchasing of the product, joining etc. Read more about E-Pin.


All the funds are added in E-wallet, Using this can purchase Product, E-Pin, transfer the amount to another member etc. Read more about E-Wallet .

Full Responsive

SWA MLM  MLM Software is designed to exploit a Responsive internet-style approach. It mechanically optimizes the page for any device, be it smartphones, tablets, desktops and os platforms like android, ios, windows etc


Using our E-Mail notification system user will receive all the details of Payout, New joining, reward, birthday reminder etc.

Franchise Management

Multiple franchises can order the request and process the order from company head office.

Various Reporting Systems

SWA MLM MLM Software has a facility to export the reports in various forms like excel, PDF, CSV’s.


Using our E-Mail notification system user will receive all the details of Payout, New joining, reward, birthday reminder etc.

With all the combined features of MLM software, our MLM software company in Lucknow provides the perfect companion for your MLM program, ensuring your network marketing business thrives. Discover more in our Free MLM Software Demo.

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